Dynamic wizard form using dhtml & javascript.
Recently I am working in a project that require some customization on the application.
They need a wizard page that will allow user to add in items.
To make the wizard page be more user friendly, I try to using dynamic html to create fields if required.
When user add in a item, the page will create a row in a table & display item’s information inside the table.
User are able to delete the item after add in.
It is not a hard task. Just sharing my experience to others.
I am using the createTextNode, createElement and removeChild Javascript command to complete the task.
Below is my sample code:
<script> count = 0; function addField(type,field_name,field_id){ if(document.getElementById(field_id).value.length > 0){ var table_name = 'table1'; var table = document.getElementById(table_name); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.setAttribute("id", 'row'+count); tr.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; var td_a = document.createElement('td'); td_a.className = 'dataLabel'; td_a.setAttribute("width","40%"); var td_b = document.createElement('td'); td_b.className = 'dataLabel'; td_b.setAttribute("width","56%"); var td_c = document.createElement('td'); td_c.className = 'dataLabel'; td_c.setAttribute("width","4%"); //Create a text label & display it, the parameter is the word that show in the label. var ta = document.createTextNode(type); var tb = document.createTextNode(document.getElementById(field_name).value); //Create a text field that hidden var tc = addInputElement('class_id[]',document.getElementById(field_id).value,'hidden','36','row'+count,table); var td = addInputElement('student_type[]',type,'hidden','36','row'+count,table); //Create a button that will trigger onclick action var te = addInputElement('button_delete'+count,"X",'button','10','row'+count,table); td_a.appendChild(ta); td_b.appendChild(tb); td_c.appendChild(tc); td_c.appendChild(td); td_c.appendChild(te); tr.appendChild(td_a); tr.appendChild(td_b); tr.appendChild(td_c); if (browser=="Netscape"){ table.appendChild(tr); }else if(browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ table.tBodies[0].appendChild(tr); } count += 1; } } //This function will specify those field to be create with the name, id, type, value. //If is a button, will specify the onclick trigger action function addInputElement(name, value, type,size,rid,table){ var temp; temp = document.createElement("input"); temp.setAttribute("type", type); temp.setAttribute("name", name); temp.setAttribute("id", name); temp.setAttribute("value", value); temp.setAttribute("size", size); if(type == "button"){ temp.className = "button"; temp.onclick = function(){deleteItems(table,rid);} } return temp; } function deleteItems(table,id){ var t = document.getElementById(table); var d = document.getElementById(id); var e = document.getElementById(id+'description'); if (browser=="Netscape"){ t.removeChild(d); if(table == 'step2'){ t.removeChild(e); } }else if(browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ t.tBodies[0].removeChild(d); if(table == 'step2'){ t.tBodies[0].removeChild(e); } } } </script>
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